Hello and great to have you onboard
Welcome to our Customer Hub.
Your dedicated space to learn, seek help or just explore.
Choosing Positive Solutions is just the start of your journey with us. We’re here to look after you and make sure that you get the most out of your technology and our relationship for years to come.
Here you will find everything you need, neatly organised into:

Technical User Manuals for the key hardware in your business.
Knowledge Hub
The heart of our Customer Hub and packed with a myriad of resources to help you get the most from our technology. Here you will find tutorials, webinars, factsheets, videos and a whole lot more.
Organised by platform, use our powerful search engine to get to precisely the information you need quickly.
Consumable Items
Please place all orders for consumables with the Suppliers list below. Inform them that you have been referred by Positive Solutions Limited to ensure you receive the correct service, size, and price.
If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01257 275800 or solutions@positive-solutions.co.uk.

Anytime, Anywhere.
We are committed to delivering you a 5-star customer experience, but we also know how busy you are so our Customer Hub is designed to give you access to support and guidance anywhere, anytime.
Need More Help?
For technical or more complex needs, or for further information and training on features not currently covered here, you can directly access our technical and product experts who are available to help using the numbers and links below.
Our Service Desk are here to keep your systems up and running, so if you are having issues of a technical nature, or something is just not working contact us on:
T: 01257 235940
Choosing option 1 (technical)
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 08:30 – 18:30
Saturday 08:30 – 17:00 (except Bank Holidays)
Bank Holidays 08:30 – 12:30 (except Christmas Day)
For help with how to use the features and functions in our software our Customer Support and Training Specialists can provide quick answers or bespoke training to ensure you are getting the maximum usage and efficiency savings from our products contact us on:
01257 235940
Choosing option 2 (functional)
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 09.00 – 17:00