Here is the latest Analyst User Newsletter, featuring the best tips and updates for users of our platform…


Don’t leave claiming to the last minute (EPS England)

Instead of stockpiling your EPS2 claims until the end of the month, why not submit them on a weekly or even a daily basis? Hopefully you are aware that the latest version of Analyst makes it possible to amend a claim that has been sent for payment. Any amendments must be made before the deadline of the 5th of the following month.

If you have any questions regarding this or any other features of our software, please call our service desk on 01257 235940


Hints & Tips

Stock levels: Within the details tab of a product, you can enter your stock levels. When adding in the stock level, input the amount of boxes you have on the shelf, followed by the letter P. Check the red pack size information at the bottom of the pager and enter stock as full packs. E.g 10 packs of 28 will be entered as 10p. Press the Tab key and the system will multiply the stock by the pack size. (=280 in stock)

Patient alerts: When creating alerts, always use the ‘stop’ type option to turn the box pink as it identifies staff generated alerts and not only the system generated ones. Within the Patient Details screen, click on the Alerts tab, followed by the Add button. Enter your message and change the Type to ‘Stop’. Also, make sure the Stop alerts option is enabled in the Alerts tab under System Configuration.


Quality Payments reminder: action required if you haven’t got a pharmacy NHSmail account

Having an NHSmail account for your pharmacy is a gateway criterion for the Quality Payments Scheme and it is also necessary for any community pharmacy contractor that wishes to provide the NHS Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS).

If you have applied for a shared NHSmail account, but have not yet had one allocated to your pharmacy, it is important that you act now.

You should have received an email from NHS Digital, which explains how to get your account set up. The email asks contractors to complete the process for setting up a shared NHSmail account by providing some information on the NHSmail registration portal. This will include the creation of up to three personal accounts which will be used to access the shared account. Once you have completed your registration using the portal, you will be sent login details for the accounts so that you can activate them.

The portal can also be used by contractors who have not previously applied for an account.

Some multiple pharmacy groups are centrally managing the rollout of NHSmail to their pharmacies in partnership with NHS Digital. If your pharmacy is part of a multiple group, you may want to check with head office before you use the portal to complete setup of an NHSmail account.

What to do next:

Once you are ready to set up a shared NHSmail account for your pharmacy and up to three personal accounts, follow the process explained in PSNC Briefing 058.17 How to complete the NHSmail registration process.

During the registration process, if you are unable to locate your pharmacy within the portal, please contact and they will support you through the process. Further information and FAQs about NHSmail can be found on the PSNC NHSmail webpage.