Here is the latest Analyst User Newsletter, featuring the best tips and updates for users of our platform…
Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) survey
The European Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) has been brought in to address the issue of falsified medicines entering the legitimate medicines supply chain across Europe. Falsified medicines include those with little or no active ingredients, the wrong active ingredients, fake or tampered packaging, and those where products and/or packaging have been stolen for re-use or re-sale.
It will have a significant effect on your dispensary activity but, as Analyst users, we hope to minimise any disruption it will cause and hopefully draw positives from the new processes that will be introduced.
How FMD is incorporated into Analyst is still up for discussion, which is why we’d like your opinion.
Thank you to all those who have completed the survey so far! If you haven’t already, please take a moment to complete our survey by clicking this link.
Hints & Tips
View patient scripts: CTRL + 4 allows multiple scripts for the same patient to be viewed and dispensed easily in sequence.
Script queue navigation: ALT+Left/Right = +/- one day, ALT+Up/Down = +/- one week, ALT+Pg Up/Pg Down +/- one month, ALT+HOME = today
Task reminders: You can create task reminders for daily prompts. Ideal to remind staff to check and submit orders for example. Click on Setup, then Task Reminders and then New Task. Enter the Description of the task, followed by the date/time and the recurrence.
Stay Well Pharmacy campaign: digital resources now available
NHS England has begun a second wave of promotion for the Stay Well Pharmacy campaign, encouraging all community pharmacy teams to make use of new social media materials.
The Stay Well Pharmacy campaign, which launched last month, is an NHS England campaign which aims to increase the public’s trust and confidence in community pharmacy teams as the place to go for clinical advice for minor health concerns, and encourages people to use pharmacies rather than visiting their GP as a first port of call.
With campaign toolkits now delivered to 12,000 pharmacies, 7,500 GP practices and 7,600 dental practices, primary care providers are requested to start using these resources immediately. The campaign materials, featuring real community pharmacy team members along with prominent green cross imaging, help explain to people that they can speak to the community pharmacy team about a range of minor health concerns.
In the first three weeks, campaign press coverage has amounted to over 250 broadcast, press and radio pieces. Social media activity has so far provided 6.6 million opportunities for the target audience to see a post on Facebook, with 18,000 clicking the links included on the posts. Furthermore, 1.1 million have viewed at least 3 seconds of the TV advert video shared online and 230,000 have viewed the video in full.
NHS England is keen to build on these initial positive results and, with the addition of new materials to the PHE Campaign Resource Centre, community pharmacy teams now have even more resources to make use of. The new materials are focused on the digital side of the campaign, and include a social media pack and banners for use on websites. But, if you are short on time, it is quick and easy to share/post/retweet the following campaign assets on social media.
Cut downs of kids play pharmacists posts:
The full Stay Well Pharmacy TV ad
The full length ‘Kids’ Stay Well Pharmacy video
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