Here is the latest Analyst User Newsletter, featuring the best tips and updates for users of our platform…
Enhance your pharmacy team’s knowledge of Analyst PMR with our new eLearning platform
Positive Solutions eLearning is now live and full of information specifically designed to support your team. As a user you will benefit from direct online access to an extensive portfolio of quick reference Video Tutorials and Master Classes that includes:
- Digital eLearning with 24hr access to staff training Video Tutorials and Master Classes for all the pharmacy team, from healthcare assistants to locums.
- Best practice guidance to help improve your patient communication and identify additional service opportunities for added value and retaining patients.
If you haven’t yet seen the training now available online, please take a moment to visit, click on Register and follow the on-screen instructions.
We appreciate that not all our customers will want to adopt the eLearning platform at this junction, so if this is not for you, it is easy to opt-out of using the system. Simply send an email to solutions@localhost with the words OPT-OUT in the Subject Header. Alternatively you can advise your account manager and they will ensure your details are removed from the system.
In the event you do receive an invoice for the eLearning platform after you have opted-out, we will address this immediately; if you contact the PSL Accounts Department they will credit the invoice accordingly.
Hints & Tips
Private script check: This allows a price for a private prescription to be checked without dispensing to that patient. To do this, press the MISC button and then the Private Prescription Price Check option. Enter the patient followed by the item to find your price.
Drug interaction check: This allows a patient and/or a combination of drugs to be entered to check for any contra-indications and/or interactions without actually dispensing any. To do this, press the MISC button and then the Drug Interaction Check option. Enter the patient followed by the items.
Patient collection: Create fictitious patients in advance, ready for scanning bag labels when the medication is collected by someone ‘Other’ than the patient themselves. i.e. brother, sister, parent, carer etc…
Submitting EPS Claims
Instead of stockpiling your EPS2 claims until the end of the month, why not submit them on a weekly or even daily basis? Hopefully you are aware that the latest version of Analyst makes it possible to amend a claim that had been sent for payment. Any amendments must be made before the deadline of the 5th of the following month.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other features of our software, please call our Service Desk on 01257 235 940
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